Life expectancy at birth is the highest
for men (73.1 years) and the second highest for women (79.6) years).
Life expectancy at 40 is 35.8 years for men (the highest) and 41.3 for women, the longest
after France where it is 41.6 years.
The Eastern Mediterranean areas of Spain are amongst the healthiest places in the world
to live, a fact endorsed by the World Health Organisation.
Rheumatism and arthritis sufferers frequently note a huge improvement in their conditions
after moving to Spain and an increase in mobility.
People who suffer from stress often note a marked improvement as the pace of life is slower
than in many European countries and the change in lifestyle in a warm and sunny climate generally makes people happier, less
prone to colds and with boosted immune systems.
Hay fever or asthma sufferers may find the high levels of airborne pollen during spring
difficult to cope with although this is likely to be less of a problem if you live within a mile or two of the sea.
Sun damage - the incidence of skin cancer is higher in Spain than that experienced in the
United Kingdom or other Northern European countries and people from these latitudes suffer a greater risk of contracting the
disease. If detected earlier enough it can be treated and many seaside towns now have visiting melanoma detection units that
will screen you for no cost and refer you to a health practitioner where necessary. There are tremendous medical benefits
to the Spanish sunshine that more than outweigh the slight risks associated with it.
56,1% of the Spanish population aged over 16 consume alcohol.
38% state they do not drink alcohol or have never done so.
· The obesity rate
in Spain is 13.3% for the population aged
18 and over, and 24.8% for children.
· The
figure for hepatitis B is 2 cases per 100,000 inhabitants.
· Regarding
AIDS, Spain has an incidence rate of 4.4 cases per 100,000 inhabitants, showing a marked drop since 1995 when the figure was
18.1 per 100,000 inhabitants